Membership Terms

The National Bible Study Club (NBSC) is a faith based organization that seeks to encourage young people in the study of the Holy Bible and the Christian faith. This statement provides an overview of on-line lesson procedure and policies.

How the Process Works

Application Form

The signup form should be completed by a parent or guardian. For child protection, the parent/guardian email address is used for any communication with the student. If the parent/guardian wishes to provide an alternate student email address they may do so. All communication will then be directed to the alternate student email address.

A parent/guardian signature is required to enroll a student in the NBSC lessons.

Account Creation

Once the application form is submitted, the NBSC administration team will review the application and create an account for the student. Login details will be emailed to the parent/guardian email or the alternate email based on the direction given on the application form.

We encourage parents to be actively involved in the supervision of their child’s involvement in the on-line lessons.

Students are assigned to a set of Bible lessons (Primary, Junior, Intermediate, or Senior) based on their age.

Study Leaders

Similar to our postal Bible lesson program, each student will be assigned to a study leader who will mark their lessons and answer any questions submitted by the student. All study leaders are mature Christians who have been Garda Vetted. Any responses from the study leader to lesson essay questions or questions submitted by the student will be sent via email to either the parent/guardian email or alternate email address.


If you have any questions please contact The National Bible Study Club at Glen Maris House, Eaton Wood Grove, Shankill, Dublin D18 WK27 or email