The National Bible Study Club (N.B.S.C.) is an Irish Registered Charity (CHY6590), which is dedicated to helping young people in the study of the Holy Bible. The history of the National Bible Study Club goes back many years. In 1963, a systematic mailing was carried out in Ireland offering a gospel to every home in the country. Out of the responses received grew the National Bible Study Club formerly known as ‘Look and Live’. Since that time many thousands of young people have benefited from using the free lessons. The N.B.S.C. is a faith based ministry reaching out to children throughout the island of Ireland and further afield with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is supported by gifts from individual Christians, churches and organisations. All the lessons and literature we supply are non-denominational Christian and are based solely on the teachings of the Bible. Over the years the lessons have been completely re-written and re-designed to produce effective and interesting Bible lessons for the children. The lessons are provided FREE to any child wishing to ‘Learn More About God’. There are currently four levels of lessons (Primary – ages 4-5, Junior – ages 6-10, Intermediate – ages 11-12 and Senior – ages 13+) available to young people. These lessons cover basic Bible stories with a view to introduce the students to the Lord Jesus Christ as the Saviour of the world and to encourage them in further Bible study and a deeper relationship with Him. The intention is that students should complete a lesson each month. Each child is assigned to a (Garda Vetted) study leader who will mark all their studies and respond to any questions submitted by the student. Our study leaders are mature Christians who freely give of their time to mark the student’s lessons.